26 March 2009

I am hoping to do a mad-lib style interactive painting where people choose the imagery for the piece and I paint it. This may take a long time because so far I think only two people have read the blog.

Here's what I envision.
1. The image below is a painting that I began a couple of days ago, showing the progress and the basic process I will be using.
2. I will call on the viewers to give me suggestions, or possibly choose from options as to what should be painted next, i.e. objects, shapes, sayings, numbers, etc.
3. I will paint using the most popular choices.
4. Repeat until the painting is finished.

Please help, it might be fun.

Now I need an object to get this baby underway. (examples: corn, gun, cat, balloon)

Please leave your choice in a comment, anonymous if you like, or leave your name or questions or comments or whatever too.

23 March 2009

After a tiring weekend on Long Island attending a birthday party for a 3 year old, I think I have finally succumb to the will of the R-train consumptives who have spent the better part of the last couple months coughing on me at every opportunity.

On the upside though, I finished a little experiment I was doing using nothing but masking tape stencils to create a painting. It turned out OK, but was pretty time consuming.

I also had a nice tuna melt.

One of these two items may end up in my etsy store.

12 March 2009

Life is hard.

My lungs feel dusty and I'm this close (imagine a thumb and forefinger
real close together) to getting and eating in its entirety a Papa
Johns pizza and I bought earplugs in case the upstairs cat is bowling
again tonight.

At least I got some good work done on the clown painting.

09 March 2009

Hello, and welcome

A new technological adventure, and hopefully a way to share my art and thoughts with an appreciative audience.